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Biology 203 - Microbiology

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Exceptional Microbes

Not all microbes follow the common conceptions we have about them. Here are some of the exceptional ones:

  1. Spirochaetes - Many have linear DNA. Example: Borrelia (linear chromosomes & plasmids)

  2. Ciliates - do not follow universal genetic code. Example: Paramecium (UAA & UAG code for glutamine)

  3. Enterococcus - Gram-positive bacterium that uses Entner-Doudoroff pathway

  4. Epulopiscium fishelsoni and Thiomargarita namibiensis - larger than eukaryotes (~ 500 µm)

  5. Actinobacillus - Bacteria whose mRNA contains introns

  6. Sphingobacteria - have 2 species with membrane-enclosed nuclear body

  7. Deinococcus - Gram-negative cell wall - stains purple

  8. Haloquadra walsbyi - a square archaean halophile

  9. Giardia lamblia: primitive eukaryote with 2 haploid  nuclei and no mitochondria

This page was last updated on: 11/17/05


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