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Biology 203 - Microbiology

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Bug of the Day

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1    Borrelia burgdorferi

2    Epulopiscium fishelsoni

3    Haloquadra walsbyi

4  Gemmata obscuriglobus

5   Magnetobacterium bavaricum

6    Stentor coeruleus

7    Hyphomicrobium

 8  Halobacterium salinarum

9    Clostridium tetani

Exam 2 "bugs"

10    Listeria monocytogenes

11    Nitrosomonas europaea

12    Enterococcus faecalis

13    Lactobacillus

14    Nostoc

15   Heliobacterium chlorum

16    Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

17   Escherichia coli

18   Mycoplasma

19 Serratia marcesens

Other "bugs" to be presented later this semester



Bacillus subtilis



20  Bacillus anthracis

21    Aquifex aeolicus

22 Chromatium

23  Corynebacterium

24   Adenovirus

25   Bacteriophage T-4

26   Saccharomyces cerevisiae

27   Bifidobacterium

28    Salmonella

29  Riftia symbiont

29    Azotobacter

30    Phaenerochaete chrysosporium

31   Bacillus thuringiensis

32   Lactobacillus plantarum

33  Neisseria gonorrhoeae


Photo credits:     Wadsworth Center, NYS Department of Public Health
                          Cells Alive
                          American Society of Microbiology - Visual Resources    


This page was last updated on: 08/29/08


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