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Biology 203 - Microbiology

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Course Help

I. What you should already know...

This course assumes that, as a college student, you have mastered basic arithmetic, reading, and writing (spelling & grammar) skills at least at the level of Eng 101 and Mat 101. It also presumes a BASIC understanding of chemistry: atoms, bonds, molecules, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, pH. A BASIC understanding of biology is also helpful: The cell is the basic unit of living organisms. 

II. Where you can get help...

If, at any time, you need additional help in some of these areas, try these resources:

III. Participation!!!

I expect every student to attend class and to complete every assignment on time. Students with the highest grades in this course usually:

IV. How are your study skills?

If you have been in college for a year or more,  you probably already know that the learning and studying skills that got you through high school aren't always enough to make it in college.  As a matter of fact, the greatest part of students' anxiety about a new course is not knowing HOW to study for a particular course.  While I cannot give you any easy, pat answers, I can give you some hints and advice regarding helpful learning strategies.  Another beneficial tool I have found (Thanks to Lori Walters-Kramer, Department of Communications) is the learning styles questionnaire, which can be found at Dr. Felder's web page at  To go directly to the questionnaire, click here. Do plan, however, to spend ~ 2 hours of study time outside of class for every hour you spend in class.


Study & Learning hints

1. Read ahead - scan the chapter
2. Come to lecture
3. Take notes intelligently
4. Ask questions during lecture
5. Rewrite your notes
6. Look up definitions of unfamiliar terms - Glossary at end of textbook
7. Write down questions you have
8. Go over end-of-chapter review questions
9. Stop by after class or during office hours/week-in-review
10. Write summaries of main points; draw summary diagrams
11. Read (and follow) directions carefully - especially instructions for assignments
12. Make use of the Learning Center (First Floor - Feinberg Library)

Test-taking hints

1. Read test questions carefully
2. Skip over tough questions, then return to them later
3. Eliminate false answers; take a guess at the remaining ones

4. Your first guess is usually your best guess

5. Jot down notes on your test booklet, draw pictures, etc.
6. Relax. It's only a test. (Really!)


I welcome your feedback and additional suggestions.   Please email me.

This page was last updated on 02/23/2022.

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